Control - By Stuart Simons
Control by Stuart Simons When I start to think about control, so many things…
Grief and Expectations - Sometimes we just need a hug by Stuart Simons
Grief and Expectations Sometimes we all need a hug! Earlier last month…
Black Dog White Dog By Stuart Simons
Black Dog White Dog By Stuart Simons Well now this is an odd one. I’ve written…
Stuart films McDonalds Xmas Commercial for 2023
Click this link to watch the full commercial: McDonalds Commercial
Angel Numbers - Signs and Symbols by Stuart Simons
Signs and Symbols by Stuart Simons When I was growing up I would spend a lot…
Swimming against the tide - By Stuart Simons
Swimming Against The Tide By Stuart Simons It’s easier to go down a hill than…
Loyalty or Blind Loyalty? By Stuart Simons
Loyalty By Stuart Simons There are a few things that grind my gears in life…
Agree or Disagree by Stuart Simons
Lets agree to disagree by Stuart Simons Adulting is hard. It’s one of those…
Betty Blue Eyes - Union Theatre - Apr 23
Stuart has appeared in Sasha Regan By The Sea Productions Betty Blue Eyes as…
Pronouns - Are you confident? By Stuart Simons
Pronouns - Are you confident? The world is changing as it always does…
Dogs are welcome - Or are they? By Stuart Simons
Dogs are welcome, or are they? I just don’t get it, mixed messaging and…
Serumel - Stuart to play 'Fincher' in up coming film
Exciting News Stuart lands the role of Fincher in up coming period Film…
The Blame Game by Stuart Simons
The Blame Game By Stuart Simons It’s 4pm on a Wednesday afternoon and i’m…
Stuart signs with Collective Agents (John Rogerson)
Stuart is thrilled to have signed with John Rogerson at Collective Agents.…
Chat and Dematt with Christie's Direct Podcast
Listen to "A Groomer's Guide to Stuart Simons" on Spreaker. Then, copy and…
Passion - Hope Mill Theatre
Stuart joins the cast of Passion at The Hope Mill Theatre starring Ruthie…
Want to change the colour of a dark dog?? Think again!
Creative Grooming Want to lighten a dark haired dog?? Think again... I have…
The Male of the species (Blog)
Male Pet Professionals Hard day at work just finished and i’m starting my long…
A Perfect Christmas - Above the Stag
Stuart has just started rehearsing for a festive musical review in London this…
Stuart included in The World Grooming Conference in Nov 2021.
Confirmed for speaking on the main stage at the International Grooming…
Ocho is Eight in Italian with Kerry Ellis
Stu talks to the wonderful Queen of the West End and Broadway, the amazing…